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BLUEPOINT project is an initiative to address the problem of marine plastic waste through sustainable and circular solutions.


BLUEPOINT project aims to create a multi-stakeholder ecosystem of intercooperation, innovation, entrepreneurship and internationalization that leverages the marine plastic value chain and emerging business opportunities to establish a replicable circular economy model in the Atlantic- region. This will reduce the environmental impact of marine plastic, create new business opportunities (including acceleration of +25 companies) and lead the maritime sector towards a Blue Circular Economy.


With a market-oriented focus, BluePoint will create marketable solutions within the marine plastic value chain boosting the entrepreneurship activity, promoting the creation of a new value chain based on marine plastic recycling and commercialization of marine plastic-based products. To fulfil this aim, technology solutions that cover needs within the marine plastic value chain will be developed, specifically related to the glocalization, recovery, sorting and processing for the development of new marine plastic-based products. From the technology research developed in WP1, technology pilots will be developed in WP4 that will be subsequently assisted to accelerate the development of real marketable solutions (WP5). On the other hand, from the potential business opportunities detected in the marine plastic value chain in WP2, a selection will be made (WP5) and those selected business opportunities will be assisted in their acceleration through the assistance in the design of marketable products, market analysis and exploitation of their business models. It is envisaged from WP4 and WP5, the creation of real marketable solutions within the marine plastic value chain and the creation of novel companies/start-ups focused on the marine plastic value chain (either at the technology or business level) that will continue their activity after the project is executed.


  • WP1 (01/11/2023 - 31/12/2024): Research, focus and prospections of blue economy circularity based on plastic recycling

    Specific objective: The main objective of this WP is to research into the latest innovations and developments in marine plastic detection, collection, sorting and valorisation technologies. The goal is to link with WP3 & 4 the pilot activities and Policy recommendations.

    This WP is focused on research activities and trend analysis related to the marine plastic value chain and the technologies to develop a resource efficient Blue circular economy. During A1.1 a review of the impacts of plastic (macro and micro) will be analysed based on the research studies and reports available and reported. In A1.2 research on the technologies of the marine plastic value chain will be the main focus, concretely the technologies that are available in the identification, recovery, recycling and processing phases of marine plastics, covering the whole value chain. A1.3 will include a review on the technologies to develop blue circular business models within the marine plastic value chain. The results of A1.2 will be inherently linked to WP4 and the development of technical pilots in the different regions, each of them focusing in different steps of the plastic value chain. In addition, the results of A1.3 will be linked to WP2, where the analysis of potential opportunities of blue economy business models will be performed.

  • WP2 (01/11/2023 - 31/12/2024):

    Specific objective: The objective of this WP is to identify SMEs and relevant agents working in the recovery and valorisation of marine plastic waste and funding opportunities and acceleration agencies that might help in them incubation and growth.

    Within this WP, an observatory for blue transformation will be launched. New opportunities of blue economy business models related to the emerging marine plastic pollution, i.e. identification of sources of opportunity in the recovery and valorisation of marine plastic waste, and driving agents for their exploitation will be assessed. It will comprise different monitoring and assessment activities that will be carried out in order to provide an accurate analysis of the opportunities of blue economy business models that arise from the marine plastic value chain.

    This observatory process will be divided in three different fields of action:

    • Identification and analysis of international technological and business trends in the recovery and valorisation of marine plastic waste.

    • Identification and characterization of supply and demand companies, expert agents, projects, success stories, support agents, from both technological and business fields in the recovery and valorisation of marine waste in the Atlantic Area region and other international regions.

    • Identification of sources of opportunity in the recovery and valorisation of marine plastic waste in the Atlantic Area based on the previously identified relevant agents.

    Design of mechanisms for training and support, from both technological and business perspectives, for the effective exploitation of the identified sources of opportunity.

  • WP3 (01/07/2024 - 31/05/2026):

    Specific objective: The specific objective of this WP is to develop a BluePoint concept that aligns in different AA regions the marine plastic circularity and engage with the value chain, citizens and policy makers for a better cooperation of marine plastic mitigation.

    The package develops four actions to help involve the agents of the quadruple helix (companies, public institutions, citizens, technology centres) in the search for and implementation of solutions to marine plastic throughout the entire new value chain: from the spill prevention, recovery, and recycling to reuse. This WP and all its activities will be led by the project leader, DFG, projects partners will participate in different activities.

    The four actions correspond to the following profiles of the types of actions suggested by the Program:

    • Raise stakeholder awareness of the need to transition to a circular economy in blue economy sectors and/or local communities and/or industrial estates in AA.

    • Awareness-raising actions to reduce the use of plastics and other waste, including invisible pollutants, and their discharge into the ocean, and the development of sustainable alternatives to the use of plastics and other waste by supporting the development of substitutes or biodegradable organic compounds.

    • Exchange knowledge and good practices on solutions to support the circular economy, use and repair, recycling and upcycling in industrial sectors of the blue economy; etc and testing them in pilot actions in the AA.

    • Develop and test approaches that improve market demand for recycled materials and products.

    • Support sustainable practices for the reduction and prevention of waste directly or indirectly linked to the ocean.

    In this line, four awareness actions are planned:

    1. Strategic alliances: territorial agreements with social, economic, educational, and institutional agents to develop collaborative actions for prevention, fishing, recycling and reuse of marine plastics, and exchange good practices in the blue circular economy. These actions include courses on prevention of spills, fishing and characterization of marine plastics, good domestic practices, etc.

    2. Develop a BluePoint concept to share the main outputs all across the Atlantic area. It will include all the general specifications based on the key agents, activities, physical and activity requirements, as well as an APP to facilitate intercooperation between agents that produce awareness-raising activities and citizens who demand them. It also serves to put training and entrepreneurship offers in blue circular economy in contact with potential blue business entrepreneurs. Finally, through the APP it is also possible to market certain products made with marine plastic by companies participating in the BluePoint program, travel to other BluePoint destinations in the Atlantic area to develop ecotourism activities and participate in events associated with the blue circular economy organized by the BluePoints.

    3. Community awareness raising actions linked with community science in order to maximise the impact of the project in the different regions participating in the project. It will include such a public awareness campaign, specific campaign focus on the student communities and other activities such as Mater Festivals.

    4. Finally, this WP will also develop different policy recommendations that latter on will be transferred to other Atlantic Area regions and outreach to other areas.

  • WP4 (01/07/2024 - 31/05/2026):

    Specific objective: The WP will validate 5 pilot cases representing various stages of marine plastic value chain. Innovative and integrated approach aims to develop new value chain & circular economy business models.

    This WP will define the methodology and will implement and validate the selected pilot cases. The selection of these five pilots is based on the integration of all steps in the marine plastic value chain. Thus, pilots 1 and 2 will be responsible for identifying and collecting plastic flows from the coast-rivers and short offshore areas. In turn, pilots 3, 4 and 5 will have as their main objective the transformation of this identified and collected plastic into new eco-products, for the textile, polymeric and industries associated with the marine sector (fishing, transport, logistics, etc.). Then all the pilots and their results will be supportd by WP5 to find potential commercialisations cases under the activity 5.3, as examples and best practices in entrepreneurship in blue circular economy. It will be developed in order to create and enhance new entrepreneurship in blue circular economy. In this way, the implementation of these pilots will result in the promotion of a Blue Circular Economy, including the processes of identification, collecting, selecting/sorting, recycling, and product development and how to develop sustainable business models associated with the marine sector.

    The implementation of this WP will be based on the results obtained in previous activities of the project, especially WP1.

    The results of WP4 will be inherently linked to WP2, where the analysis of potential opportunities of blue economy business models will be performed, and WP5 related to the development of business projects and WP6, related to the transfer system to support new sustainable blue business model development.

    This WP will be divided in the following three different fields of action:

    • Definition of the 5 pilot cases, including the end-to-end methodology to implement, execute, monitor and validate them at the pilot sites.

    • Implementation and execution of the pilot cases.

    • Monitorisation of the execution of pilots, and validation of the results from the pilots throughout the environmental, technical and economic analysis.

  • WP5 (01/07/2024 - 31/05/2026):

    Specific objective: To prove the feasibility of new business concepts in the marine plastic value chain this WP will support entrepreneurs and already existing companies transforming their ideas with specific professional training to boost their entrepreneurial activity.

    This WP will transform the ideas and points of opportunity identified on the analysis and diagnosis of the opportunities of Blue Economy business models in WP2 and the technology pilots developed in WP4 into designing novel products & services ready to be introduced into the market. The main objective of this WP is to promote and accelerate the entrepreneurship within the marine plastic value chain accelerating and incubating innovative business initiatives and pilots for marketable products & services.

    To achieve this, the project will generate an open call (A5.3) will be launched that will enable to select potential project ideas and entrepreneur ventures from the project regions that will be technically assisted to develop a full business plan and activate potential startups within the marine plastic value chain, facilitating the potential market uptake of the developed solutions.

    The open call will be promoted by social media and in BIC and BSO as well as universities, RTOs, etc. Besides, the external projects detected in the WP2, will be invited to submit their applications. Besides, the project technical pilots developed in the WP4, will be also assisted to boost their projects with the objective to study and evaluate possible market opportunities. The selected projects will cover specific scopes of the marine plastic value chain and related products and services which will cover specific gaps from the marine plastic value chain in the identification, recovery, selection, and processing phases. The selected projects will be assisted (A5.4) in the low and high fidelity minimum viable product design, in near market experiment design and analysis and acceleration and market incubation of the advanced prototypes following the methodology developed in A5.1.

    Additionally, the necessary professional training will be activated (A5.2) to guarantee the entrepreneurial support and boosting and maximizing the exploitability in economic, social and environmental terms. With this aim interdisciplinary training actions (on technical & business and regulatory fields) will be activated with the aim that entrepreneurs and professionals acquire the knowledge on what the marine plastic value chain will demand soon.

  • WP6 (01/10/2024 - 30/06/2026):

    Specific objective: This WP aims to transfer to other entities and public bodies of the AA & outside, the main outputs of the project. 1) Technical solutions for the manire plastic mitigation, 2) how to boost new marine plastic business models and policy recomendations.

    WP6 will be responsible for the transferability and exploitation of the Bluepoint results. The targeted Knowledge Transfer pathways are specific to transferring key project outputs to the quintuple helix of the innovation: (i) policy makers to foster the cohesion of policies that target and support the mitigation and new value chains for marine plastic, (ii) Research centres and universities that aim to foster new technologies to identify, recover, and valorise the marine plastic, (iii) SMEs and entrepreneurs that could apply those knowledge and innovations to develop new business models and ideas, media and communication to raise the awareness on blue and green economy targeting the marine plastic problematic, and (iv) other stakeholders like civil society and citizens to boost the awareness and cooperation to reduce the plastic consumption and marine plastic reduction.

    This WP will implement different activities focused on the transferability of the different outputs of the project.

    Knowledge generated in WP1 and applied in WP4 about technologies to identify, collect, sort, and valorise marine plastic (A6.1). Under this task, there will be several activities to show the different cases and work on a licence service to share the knowledge of the different pilots to other SMEs, entrepreneurs, to share the. Besides, the WP will also work on sharing the knowledge about the methodologies to boost new business models and opportunities to mitigate the marine plastic pollution and foster circularity and creating a new value chain for the marine plastic (A6.2). It also includes transferability of the entrepreneurs accelerated and incubated under the WP5 as a proof of real and possible business models applying circularity of marine plastics or using new tech for its mitigation.

    Finally, the last activity of this WP will be working in the Policy recommendations (A6.3), including the blue point concept and how to foster new blue and green economy in the regions. This is focused into the Atlantic Area regions, to export the pilot activity of the project and support to clean the Atlantic coasts of the European regions, but considers
    also transferability to other oceans and seas, such as the Mediterranean, Baltic Sea, and other Atlantic regions outside Europe. It will include best practices, sharing, the experience of the different regions included in the proposal (A6.4).
