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We use our own and third-party cookies to analyse the use of the website and show you advertising related to your preferences based on a profile of your browsing habits. You can consult additional information in the Cookies Policy.



BluePoint Project (hereinafter “BLUEPOINT PROJECT”) is particularly concerned with security and with ensuring the confidentiality of personal data provided by Users, which is why we guarantee the security and confidentiality of all information you give us.

This document sets out the privacy policy (hereinafter, “Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) that applies to Users browsing the domain (hereinafter “Website”).

All data provided by the data subject shall be used solely and exclusively for the purposes foreseen in the procedure or action in question.

These data shall be incorporated in the corresponding file, for which BLUEPOINT PROJECT is the data controller, and shall only be transferred to third parties with the unequivocal consent of the data subject or in those cases in which such transfers are legally mandated.

BLUEPOINT PROJECT guarantees confidentiality in processing all personal data collected, duly implementing the technical and organisational measures necessary to ensure they are secure.


The Data Controller shall only request the personal information strictly necessary in order to receive the services and information requested, and shall collect all personal data relevant to the purposes, utilities, services and/or activities included in its website in a suitable, determined, explicit, legitimate manner.

Users provide their personal details freely and voluntarily. Personal data are collected online by completing and submitting a series of forms on the website. Each online form for the collection of personal data includes a link to the associated privacy policy, duly informing the User of the personal data processing in question, the purpose of such collection, and, where appropriate, any data communications to third parties, the identity and address of the data controller, and the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. Users must accept the associated privacy policy in order to complete the form and access the service or content in question.

BLUEPOINT PROJECT offers a range of services through its website, which can only be accessed by Users who have registered using the corresponding form. In order to register, Users may have to choose a username (“nick”) and/or a password, and shall be solely liable for their use and for ensuring they remain confidential.

The User is solely liable for the veracity and accuracy of the details sent, releasing BLUEPOINT PROJECT from any liability in this regard.


The purposes of the processing for which BLUEPOINT PROJECT is the data controller are detailed in the Data processing activities register.

The User authorises the automated processing of all personal data voluntarily provided in any section of this website. Furthermore, the User shall be liable for the veracity of the data provided, with this Institution reserving the right to exclude from the registered services any person who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other legal actions that may apply.


In accordance with legislation, data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, portability and opposition, withdraw their consent, or make any other request on this matter by writing to the Data Controller, BLUEPOINT PROJECT (Departamento de Sostenibilidad de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa), Plaza Gipuzkoa s/n, entresuelo, 20004 Donostia-San Sebastián, tel. 943 112 918, or by email at

The application must include a copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant (DNI or similar). Whenever such an application is made through a legal representative, a document accrediting this representation must also be enclosed, along with a copy of the applicant’s national identity document. The supervisory authority to be contacted if you disagree with how your applications were dealt with or in order to submit a complaint is the Spanish Data Protection Agency:


In accordance with Personal Data Protection legislation, and in particular with reference to EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”) and Act 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (“LOPDGDDD”), BLUEPOINT PROJECT hereby states that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer with the following contact details:

Entity: BLUEPOINT PROJECT (Departamento de Sostenibilidad de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa)
Address: Plaza Gipuzkoa s/n, entresuelo, 20004 Donostia-San Sebastián, GIPUZKOA.



BLUEPOINT PROJECT shall process the personal data contained in its data processing systems by adopting the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee their security and avoid any alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks they are exposed to, regardless of whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with applicable legislation on security measures for the processing of personal data. Notwithstanding, Users are informed that such computer security measures are not impregnable and in consequence BLUEPOINT PROJECT cannot guarantee that such information will not be illegally or inappropriately accessed.


BLUEPOINT PROJECT reserves the right to amend the privacy policy at its discretion in order to comply with legislative or jurisprudential changes. Any modifications introduced by the Data Controller shall be published on this website, where the User can check them. In any case, the relationship with Users shall continue to be governed by the rules in place at the moment the website is accessed. The Data Controller therefore recommends checking this privacy policy every time the website is visited.


Any Users providing BLUEPOINT PROJECT with the personal data of third parties must guarantee that they have informed such third parties in advance of the conditions of this Privacy Policy, and shall be personally liable vis-à-vis BLUEPOINT PROJECT for any damages arising in the event of breach.

Users undertake to report any change or modification in the personal data they have provided. The User shall be solely and exclusively liable for any loss or damage caused to the Website, BLUEPOINT PROJECT, or any third party due to the communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete data.

Detailed information on data protection requirements, rights and applicable legislation can be found at

A FAQ is available at:


Cookies are used on the Website to enable our servers to recognise the User’s website browser, and to provide us with information about how and when the User navigates the Website.

Cookies are small data files (data storage and retrieval devices) generated by the website being browsed by the user, and which are stored on the equipment (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) used by the user in order to be retrieved on future visits. Cookies provide certain information about the user’s browsing, in order to improve the website service and offer a better user experience.

Users can choose to accept or reject cookies via their settings. See the following link for more information about the cookies used by BLUEPOINT PROJECT and their configuration: Cookies Policy.

Users must remember that some features are only available through the use of cookies, meaning BLUEPOINT PROJECT may not be able to provide the full website experience should they be disabled.
