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This Legal Notice regulates the conditions of use of the Website

Pursuant to the duty of information in Article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (hereinafter, LSSICE), you are hereby informed that is a domain owned by BLUEPOINT PROJECT, attached to the Sustainability Department of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

The identifying information and contact details of the owner of the Website are as follows:

  • Owner: BLUEPOINT PROJECT (Departamento de Sostenibilidad de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa)
  • Address: Plaza Gipuzkoa s/n, entresuelo; 20004 - Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
  • Tax Code: P2000000F
  • Contact e-mail address:
  • Telephone: 943 112 918


2.1. The contents in this Website are intended to provide information on BLUEPOINT PROJECT and its activities, and to provide a channel for citizen interaction to allow participants to submit contributions and proposals.

2.2. By accessing and using this website, the visitor becomes a USER, and accepts - fully and without reservation - from the first access and use, all the terms and conditions contained herein. For these purposes, a USER is a person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities available in

These General Conditions govern the online relationships between USERS of the Website and its owner. In addition, the provision of certain services or activities in the framework of the Website may also be subject to other terms and conditions that may replace, complement and/or modify these General Conditions.

2.3. Access to this Website is free and unrestricted, notwithstanding the cost of connecting to the telecommunications network supplied by the operator engaged by each USER.

2.4. USERS undertake to make proper use of this Website. USERS undertake to make diligent and responsible use of this website in good faith and not to use in an illegal manner. USERS shall be liable to BLUEPOINT PROJECT and third parties for loss or damage incurred as a result of breach of this obligation. In this regard, USERS undertake not to use the contents and services available on this Website for the following purposes (among others):

  1. Use fake identities, or to impersonate other persons when using the Website or its services, including using other parties’ usernames or passwords.
  2. Publish racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal contents or propaganda, or advocate for terrorism or, in general, against human rights.
  3. Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of this Website, its suppliers or third parties, nor to introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems in the network that are likely to cause the aforementioned loss or damage.
  4. Attempt to access or use email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.
  5. Reproduce or copy, distribute, permit public access by any means of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorised by the owners of the rights or it is legally permitted.
  6. Introduce or incorporate the contents and services presented on this website as an own business or professional activity.
  7. Introduce, store or disseminate any content that infringes intellectual property rights or business secrets through the Website.
  8. USERS must not delete, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security system installed on the Website.
  9. Carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation through the Website, using its contents and, in particular, the information obtained by means of the same to collect data for advertising purposes and send any kind of publicity and communications for the purpose of sale or other business purposes, nor to collect or store personal data of third parties.
  10. Use this Website, or the contents and/or services obtained, to engage in activities which are against the law, morality, good customs, or public order, for illegal purposes, which are prohibited or injurious to the rights and interests of third parties.

2.5. On the other hand, when USERS must register on the Website to access the services or contents, they undertake to providing accurate and truthful data and to keep these up to date.


3.1. BLUEPOINT PROJECT undertakes to comply with the guidelines contained in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Protection of Data of a Personal Nature, in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December approving the Regulation for the development of the Organic Law and other applicable regulations in force at any time to ensure the correct use and processing of USERS’ personal data.

To do this, the privacy policy published on this website has been adopted by BLUEPOINT PROJECT in relation to the personal data collected through the same, informing USERS of the existence of files or processing of data, of the identity and address of the data controller, the purpose for which the data is collected, the option and the mode of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and, where appropriate, of data exchanges with to third parties.

3.2. BLUEPOINT PROJECT also informs you that, to ensure that its activities comply with the applicable data protection law, it has registered the files for which it is responsible in the General Data Protection Registry. BLUEPOINT PROJECT has also adopted the necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information.


4.1. BLUEPOINT PROJECT, on its own behalf or as an assignee owns all intellectual property rights pertaining to this Website, as well as its component elements (including but not limited to, images, texts, software, designs, graphics, trademarks or logos, icons, buttons, trademarks, domain names, designs and other audiovisual contents or audio, as well as their graphic design and source codes, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programmes necessary for its operation, access and use, and, in general, any sign for industrial or commercial use), owned by the same or its licensors. All rights reserved.

4.2. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that rights or licences have been granted or that a waiver, transfer or total or partial assignment of the aforementioned intellectual property rights has been carried out or that any right or expectation of right has been conferred, and, in particular, no permission is granted, under any circumstances, to amend, develop, reproduce, distribute, transmit or transform the contents contained on the Portal without the prior express written permission of BLUEPOINT PROJECT or the corresponding right holders. Failure to comply with the above shall entitle BLUEPOINT PROJECT or the owners of the rights to pursue legal action.

4.3. USERS undertake to respect BLUEPOINT PROJECT’s intellectual property rights as the owner or assignee. You can view the elements of the Website and print, copy and store them on your computer's hard drive or any other hardware provided that this is solely and exclusively for personal and private use.


5.1. BLUEPOINT PROJECT will accept no liability under any circumstances for loss or damage of any nature that may be caused by circumstances that include but are not limited to: errors or omissions in content, lack of availability of the portal or infection with viruses or malicious or harmful content, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.

5.2. USERS shall be entirely responsible for the contributions, suggestions and comments made on this Website, and the use they make of the contents and services contained therein. USERS acknowledge and accepts that they use the Website and its services and content at their own risk and responsibility.


BLUEPOINT PROJECT reserves the right to make changes and to delete or add contents and services provided through the Website without prior notice, to change, replace or add contents offered through the Website and the manner in which they are presented or located on the website.


7.1. If contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, USERS should be aware that BLUEPOINT PROJECT has no control over any such sites or their content. Under no circumstances shall BLUEPOINT PROJECT be liable for the contents of linked websites, and it does not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, scope, veracity, or validity of any material or information contained on any of these hyperlinks or any other websites.

7.2. Likewise, the inclusion of these external links does not imply any type of association, merger or membership whatsoever with regard to the linked entities.


BLUEPOINT PROJECT reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to this Website and the content and services offered on the same, without prior notice, on its own initiative or that of third parties, to USERS who do not comply with these general terms of use or any specific terms it might establish.


If any provisions or content of this Legal notice is determined to be or to have become invalid, illegal or unenforceable by final decision by a competent court, the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.


BLUEPOINT PROJECT will take action in case of breach of these terms and conditions and any misuse of its Website, pursuing all legally applicable civil and criminal courses of action.


BLUEPOINT PROJECT may modify all or any of these terms of use and these modifications will take effect from the moment they are published on this Website.

Therefore, USERS are recommended to make regular visits to this Legal Notice.


The relationship between BLUEPOINT PROJECT, the holder of this Website, and USERS will be governed by Spanish law in force, referring any disputes to the competent courts according to the law.
