This website uses cookies to help analyse how users use the website and to optimise its use, as well as cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

Necessary Cookies

These are own cookies that are necessary for the normal operation of the Website and are always stored.

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Analytics cookies

We use third-party cookies to analyse your use of our website. The information is collected anonymously. As they are not necessary for the operation of the website you can choose not to accept them.

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Advertising cookies

We use Google Maps to display the location map. The use of Google Maps generates different cookies that are used to show you content that may be of interest to you.

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We use our own and third-party cookies to analyse the use of the website and show you advertising related to your preferences based on a profile of your browsing habits. You can consult additional information in the Cookies Policy.



The purpose of this cookies policy is to provide clear, precise information about the cookies used by the website located at (hereinafter, the “Website”), owned by the Sustainability Department of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (hereinafter, “BLUEPOINT PROJECT”).


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the device (i.e. computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) of the user (i.e. the natural person browsing a website) upon accessing a website, in order to record, store, retrieve, update or save data and information about browsing from this device. Cookies allow the website manager to know and remember users’ preferences when browsing the website, and to offer personalised services in line with these preferences.

BLUEPOINT PROJECT uses cookies in order to retrieve information and therefore offer users quicker, simpler browsing by removing the need to re-request any data provided on a previous occasion. One such example could be cookies used to remember user preferences (language, country, etc.) while browsing and on future visits.

BLUEPOINT PROJECT also uses cookies to analyse how users browse the site, making them an effective way to assess website performance, measure audience and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of accesses, and implement improvements.


The User may accept, reject and configure the cookies listed below. Further information about BLUEPOINT PROJECT can be found in our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.

All information stored in the Website’s cookies is used exclusively by BLUEPOINT PROJECT, with the sole exception of those identified below as “third-party cookies”, which are used and managed by external entities in order to improve our services and offer an optimal user experience. The main purpose of these “third-party cookies” is to obtain access statistics.

The User is further informed that BLUEPOINT PROJECT is the data controller for all personal data collected while browsing the Website. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy.


Among other classifications, cookies can be classified according to the managing entity (first-party or third-party), the length of time they remain activated (session or persistent), or their purpose (technical, personalisation, analytical or advertising, among others).

All cookies used on this website are temporary in nature and for the sole purpose of facilitating any future visits, and are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer. Under no circumstances shall cookies be used to collect any personal information.

The type of cookies used by BLUEPOINT PROJECT and the information obtained with each one is detailed in the following table:

Cookie Function Duration
PHPSESSID These cookies temporarily store necessary information, such as your language setting or your identification when you log into the private area. session
acepta_cookies_bluepointproject Stores your acceptance of cookies, and also stores the setting. 1 year
Cookie Function Duration
_ga Recognises users. 2 years
_gat Limits the amount of user requests. 1 minute
_gid Recognises users. 24 hours
Cookie Function Duration
CONSENT Manages the acceptance of Google cookies. Persistent
NID Manages visualisation of the maps. 6 months
ANID Measures advertising performance. 1 year
1P_JAR Selects the advertising to be displayed. 15 days
DV Collects browsing information. 24 hours


These allow the Website to be tracked using the Google Analytics tool, which is used to obtain information on user access to websites. Some of the data that are saved for further analysis are: number of times a User visits the Website, dates of the User’s first and last visit, duration of visits, page the Website was accessed from, search engine used to reach the Website or the link clicked on, part of the world the Website was accessed from, etc.

These cookies are configured as preset by Google, to which end the Google Analytics privacy page should be checked for more information on the cookies used and how to disable them (bearing in mind that we are not responsible for the content or veracity of the websites or the privacy and cookies policies of third parties).


Users can configure their browser according to their personal needs, in order to be alerted to any cookies and prevent them from being installed on their hard drive.

Users may reject the processing of their data or information by declining the use of cookies via the settings in their browser, although they should be aware that doing so may prevent them from accessing all the features of this website. Please see the browser’s instructions and guides for further details.

Any cookies already installed can be deleted via the browser. Further information is available in the Help menu of your browser, which shows the steps to follow in order to remove cookies. For further details:

Chrome More information
Internet Explorer More information
Firefox More information
Safari More information


BLUEPOINT PROJECT shall not be liable for the content or veracity of the privacy policies of any third parties included in this cookies policy.

Without prejudice to any express consent given by the User when accessing the Website, simply using the Website implies that the User consents to cookies being installed and used in the terms set out herein.

If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, please contact BLUEPOINT PROJECT at

Users can find more information about how cookies work, as well as how to delete them, at the following links:


The following link should be used if you do not wish to be tracked by Google Analytics across all websites:
